Neal's great grandfather John William McHugh
emigrated from Ireland to California in 1878. He left the Ardcloon
Townland, County Galway, Ireland, and eventually settled in the Central
Valley of California, originally near Oakdale, then later to Stockton,
California. He and Mary Jane Devine had 10 children.
Jim McHugh prepared
a presentation in 2007 for the Manatee Genealogical Society. He
described his efforts to
research his Irish Roots. A PDF file of this MS Power Point presentation can be
viewed by clicking here. The file is
a rather large PDF (5 MB) file and takes a little time to download for viewing. Save
it to your computer for future reference, if interested. Viewing this
PDF presentation requires the
Adobe® Acrobat® Reader®,
which can be downloaded free from the
Adobe® website.